
Electron microscopy

The electron microscopy department is a member of the Morphology-Imaging platform (Morph-IM). It houses all the University's electron microscopes, of which there are four: two transmission microscopes and two scanning microscopes. The department also has the equipment needed to prepare samples for observation.
The electron microscopy service is open to all researchers at the University of Namur who wish to use these microscopic techniques for observation or analysis purposes, for both research and teaching purposes.

The conditions of access to and use of the microscopes and other equipment of the service are governed by regulations. Anyone wishing to carry out analyses in the department is invited to take note of these rules.  Please go to the Electron Microscopy pages on the UNamur website...

Presentation of the service


For external clients

The electron microscopy service also offers its equipment and skills to research organisations from other universities and companies or industries for the microscopic analysis of their samples. For all requests, simply contact the service to define the terms and conditions of the requested services.

Contact for this service

Academic manager
General contact


Rue de Bruxelles, 61, 5000 Namur
Tel: (081) 72 4251


Jean-François Colomer

Corry Charlier - Tel + 32 (0)81 72 42 51